martes, 31 de julio de 2007

Adjunto interesante y a la vez preocupante articulo sobre la actualidad en USA. Podeis encontrar la noticia en la sección de noticias USA del blog.

Noticias PET y PET-CT:

Is PET an endangered species?
By: Dr. Richard Black
Just as it appeared ready to enter the clinical mainstream, PET imaging has been thrown a series of setbacks that raise questions as to whether it will ever live to up its potential. In this article, PET educator Dr. Richard Black discusses PET's spectacular rise, and also the threats that may bring it back to earth. For purposes of brevity, "PET" is taken to refer to both standalone PET and PET/CT

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2007

En la sección radiofisica del blog de noticias PET y PET-CT, teneis disponible esta noticia de un trabajo presentado en el reciente SNM meeting celebrado en Washington
SUV readings vary on different PET systems, study finds
Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore have found that standard uptake values (SUVs) vary in PET systems manufactured by different vendors.

viernes, 20 de julio de 2007

Adjunto referencia de reciente articulo publicado en JCO que puede cambiar las pautas que actualmente se usan en cáncer de pulmón durante la RT

PET Shows If Treatment Is Shrinking Lung Tumor

jueves, 19 de julio de 2007

Madrid invertirá 8,1 millones de euros en 4 nuevos PET

El Consejo de Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid acordó ayer destinar 8.160.000 euros a la adquisición de cuatro nuevos equipos de tomografía de emisión de positrones (PET), lo que convierte a Madrid "en la región con más equipos de esta tecnología de toda España", según Ignacio González, portavoz del Gobierno regional.
Redacción 20/07/2007
Los equipos se incorporarán en el Hospital de Getafe, el Gregorio Marañón, el 12 de Octubrey el Clínico San Carlos. En la actualidad existe un equipo PET en La Paz y en el Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda.Ésta es una de las medidas contempladas en el Plan Integral de Control del Cáncer de la Comunidad de Madrid
Adjunto titulares de noticias que están disponibles en el blog (seccion Noticias España) sobre nuevas cámaras híbridas

Dexeus abre sus puertas a las últimas tecnologías
La mejor técnica para la detección del cáncer llega al hospital Virgen del Rocío
Granada tendrá un escáner híbrido para precisar el diagnóstico del cáncer

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2007

[ami_mail] Radiation Therapy Planning (Rienzo)

Our radiation therapists are interested in having our PET/CT dept acquire limited field of view pet/ct scans on a flat bed in order to fuse that data with their CT simulator to do RT planning. I am of the understanding that there is a code for limited PET/CT but will the insurers pay if a routine PET/CT was done a few weeks prior to the limited one for RT planning? How do other PET/CT departments handle this issue?
Thanks in advance for your help with this matter
Robert J. Rienzo, M.D.
Chief, Section of Nuclear Medicine
Lehigh Valley Hospital
Allentown, PA 18103

(sender: Robert J. Rienzo, M.D. []

martes, 10 de julio de 2007

EANM:ESR white paper

Dear Members of the EANM,
Dear Colleagues,
Following the publication on the EANM website of the "White paper of the EANM and the European Society of Radiology (ESR) on multimodality imaging", the EANM Executive Committee has received quite a few emails and letters, mainly from French and Belgian colleagues, protesting against the white paper and asking for its publication in the August issue of the EJNMMI to be stopped.
During a recent EANM Executive Committee meeting, the issue was again discussed, and the Executive Committee unanimously stands behind the "EANM/ESR white paper on multimodality imaging", which was written by the leaderships of both EANM and ESR in order to give a vision for cooperation, which will undoubtedly be necessary between the two associations to encompass imaging techniques of the future.
So far, the EANM Executive Committee has received very favourable comment on the white paper from the Dutch and the Italian Society, as well as the industry association AIPES and the leadership of the SNM.
Therefore, the EANM Executive Committee unanimously decided to go ahead with the publication of the white paper in the August issue of the EJNMMI.
In order to provide a forum to discuss issues of future interest, the EANM Executive Committee has programmed a round table entitled "Multimodality imaging and the future of nuclear medicine in Europe" on Monday, October 15, 2007, 11:30 - 13:00, during the EANM Congress in Copenhagen.
We would like to invite all interested EANM members to attend this session and look forward to an enlightening discussion in Copenhagen.
With best regards,
Alberto Cuocolo, MD
EANM President 2007-2008